Golden Bay Cement required the removal of 1500 m² of Asbestos containing membrane from the roof of the cement plant. This entailed the construction of a scaffold enclosure, fully shrink-wrapped, around the entire removal area including an enclosed staircase which lead directly to our decontamination trailer.
The removal process involved first removing the 20-year build-up of clinker dust in order to access the Asbestos membrane which was then scraped off the roof surface using specially engineered scrapers and hammer drills. The Asbestos waste was then sealed into 200µm bags and lowered via winch into a double wrapped skip bin.
Once the removal was complete the area was vacuumed to ensure no Asbestos dust remained and then cleared by an accredited Asbestos assessor. Following the Asbestos removal, a water proof membrane was applied to the roof before deconstructing the removal enclosure.
The client was very happy with the outcome of the project. The success of the project can be put down to thorough planning, preparation & communication.